

건강 100세의 꿈을 이룰 의학혁명의 열쇠 新 개별화 의료

*제목 Personalized Medicine and Cancer Treatment.


Abe H: Kudan Clinic, Tokyo Japan


Orthomolecular medicine is well established in accordance with development of clinical biochemistry and nutrition. One of the most

outstanding achievements is research and clinical application of vitamin C. In another view, orthomolecular medicine is not an

alternative medicine. It is rather recognized more profound entity of medicine related to cell biology and genomic interaction.

Personalized medicine is a new wave of medicine, which is a patient-centered medicine. This is fit with orthomolecular concept.

Cordial part of personalized medicine is intra/inter cellular molecular interaction. For treatment of cancer, molecular target therapy

using dendritic cell (DC) based vaccine is introduced into clinical practice. The efficiency of DC-based vaccine is enhanced by use

of intravenous high-dose VC. Clinical result will be presented.

•제42회 국제 분자교정의료학회

April 26 – 28, 2013 at Fairmont Royal York Hotel in Toronto, Canada